Sustainable Fume Hood Options for Laboratories

Analytical labs of all types have many options for safety containment devices. Focusing on chemical fume hoods, there are ducted, ductless, floor-mounted and bench-mounted options available.
Attend this webinar to learn what type of hood is right for you and options to optimize the efficiency of your lab.
Webinar Learning Objectives:
- Understand the many chemical fume hood options available to you
- Know when to consider ductless fume hoods
- Learn the limitations of ducted and ductless fume hoods

Kasey Fulmer
Kasey Fulmer is the Product Specialist for fume hoods, furniture and exhausters at Labconco Corporation. Fulmer has worked with architects, lab planners and individual fume hood operators in his role at Labconco from the initial design phase to installation.
He has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Ken Crooks
Ken has more than 35 years of experience in commercial and industrial HVAC industries. He works as Director of GreenFumeHood Technology at Erlab. He is a member of ANSI Z9.5, ASHRAE TC9.10, I2SL, NFPA 45, SEFA, CSA Z316.5, SCUP, and previously served on SEFA's Board of Directors as Vice-Chair. Ken worked at Phoenix Controls, Aircuity and Munters.